Adult Faith Formation

This ministry is a  journey of discipleship that provides the participants with opportunities to deepen their own faith through activities including Bible study, retreats, and Theological presentations…see more

Adult Mentors

Catechists who work one-on-one or in small groups with those preparing to receive the holy sacraments.  If you have questions about RCIA please click here.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word09-february-2014-sunday-11

This ministry helps our little ones grow in love for Christ and the Mass through special activities during the 10:30am Sunday Mass.  It is for children ages PRE-K to Grade 3 and many parishioners volunteer their time during Mass to teach the young ones.

Faith Formation – Religious Education

The mission of the St. Augustine’s Faith Formation – Religious Education Program is to assist all of our people, families, and individuals in our community, to come to the knowledge, love, and service of approaching God and his Church.  As described by St. Augustine, our patron saint, our restless hearts are guided by Jesus Christ and His Church, through prayer, the sacraments, and embracing the teachings of the Catholic Church…see more.


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is religious education for those that have come to some knowledge of Jesus Christ and want to be a part of His Church, but this person may not have received all of their Sacraments…for more information click here.

Religious Education Catechists

Religious Education Catechists dedicate themselves to the religious instruction of our children.  They are involved in weekly classes through the school year and special programs helping those preparing for the sacrament.  If you would like to become a Catechist or for more information click here.